Debashis Chakraborty was awarded Dr.rer.nat. degree from the University of Göttingen in 2000 under the mentorship of Professor Dr. Dr. h.c.mult. Herbert W. Roesky. He pursued his initial postdoctoral career at the University of Idaho in the area of Fluorine Chemistry. After about a year he moved over as a joint postdoc between Colorado State University and the Dow Chemical Company.
He returned to India in 2003 and worked as a corporate research Group Leader in two prime pharmaceutical companies before joining as a faculty in the Department of Chemistry at Indian Institute of Technology Madras in 2005.The Organometallics and Polymer Chemistry group is headed by him. The major research focus of this group lies in the areas of organometallics for polymer synthesis, homogeneous catalysis, CO2 sequestration and water activation.
He has published over 100 research publications in various reputed refereed international journals and has 12 patents awarded to his credit. He is a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (FIAAM) since 2022 and has been recognized for the outstanding societal contributions of his research endeavors in the 33rd Edition of Marquis Who’s Who in the world. He is a member of Asia-Pacific Association of Scientific Research Singapore and Asian Polymer Association.
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-9938-8556
Scopus ID: 57193812712

Doctoral Thesis
Dr.rer.nat. University of Göttingen, Germany
M. Sc. Indian Institute of Technology Madras
B. Sc. University of Poona, Fergusson College
New Synthetic Routes for Organometallic Phosphonates, Peroxides and Fluorides
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Herbert W RoeskyInstitute for Inorganic Chemistry, University of Göttingen, 37077D Germany
Teaching Activities
Courses Taught
1) Undergraduate level (B. Tech. (all branches of engineering); Integrated M. S. (Physics and Biological Sciences)
(i) CY 101 Microscopic and Macroscopic Structure of Chemical Systems (Average class size = 150)
(ii) CY 1010 Chemistry I (Physical & Theoretical Chemistry) (Average class size = 150)
(iii) CY 1020 Chemistry II (Inorganic Chemistry) (Average class size = 150)
(iv) CY 1050 Macromolecules as Engineering Materials (Average class size = 60)
(v) CY 1001 B. Tech. Chemistry (Old Syllabus) (Average class size = 200)
(vi) CY 1001 Chemistry: Structure, Bonding & Reactivity (Average class size = 90 or 500)
(vi) CY 1002 UG Chemistry Lab (Average class size = 100)
(vii) CY 1051 Chemistry II (Spectroscopy in Chemistry) (Average class size = 100)
2) Postgraduate level (M. Sc. and Ph. D.)
(i) CY 5020 Concepts in Inorganic Chemistry (Average class size = 70)
(ii) CY 5530 Chemistry of Main Group Elements (Average class size = 70)
(iii) CY 6650 Chemistry of Macromolecules (Average class size = 50)
(iv) CY 6019 Spectroscopy-Applications in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry (Average class size = 100)
(v) CY 6110 Inorganic Chemistry Practicals II (Inorganic Synthesis) (Average class size = 70)
(vi) CY 5011 Chemistry of Transition Metals & Bioinorganic Chemistry (Average class size = 70)
(vii) CY 5012 Main Group Chemistry and Spectroscopic Characterization of Inorganic Compounds (Average class size = 70)
(viii) CY 5019 Organometallic Chemistry (Average class size = 70)
(ix) CY 5022 Inorganic Laboratory (Average class size = 35)
3) Preparatory Course for Economically weak and Backward Social Status Students (Average class size = 25)
(i) Preparatory Course Theory I
(ii) Preparatory Course Theory II
(iii) Preparatory Course Practical
Produced content for many courses in the national digital platform

and Grants
Regular reviewer for premier journals of RSC, ACS, Elsevier, Springer and CRC press.
Biography selected for inclusion in Marquis “Who’s Who in the world” 2016, 33rd Edition in 2015 for outstanding contributions in research related to societal needs.
Admitted as Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials in 2022.
List of Third Party Funding
1. Title: Improved methodology for potassium chlorate production
Agency: Vaigai Industries, Tamil Nadu
Duration: August 2005-Jan 2006
Amount = Rs. 500000
2. Title: Metallo- Phosphonamides and Phosphonates: Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Some Exploratory Investigations
Agency: Department of Science and Technology
Duration: April 2006-March 2009
Amount = Rs.1920000
3. Title: Dialkylhypophosphonates and Pyrophosphonic acids: New Precursors to Metallophosphonate Derivatives
Agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Duration: June 2006-May 2009
Amount = Rs. 960000
4. Title: Group 4 metal complexes derived from Schiff’s base and amide ligand scaffolds: synthesis, characterization and polymerization studies
Agency: Department of Science and Technology
Duration: April 2010-March 2013
Amount = Rs. 3760000
5. Title: Polymerization of Cyclic Esters using Activated Monomer Mechanism
Agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Duration: December 2010-December 2013
Amount = Rs. 1020000
6. New Catalysts for Sustainable Polymers and Copolymers
Agency: University Grants Commission India and Israel Science Foundation
Duration: September 2018-April 2022
Amount = Rs. 15000000
7. Process for biodegradable soaps and detergents (Consultancy Project)
Agency: Mahaveer Surfactants International Pvt. Ltd
Duration: June 2022-July 2023
Amount = Rs. 1200000